Welcome aboard the home of Hype Train Football Club. Here, you can view and download the latest images from the club, all for free. If you wish to share these images on your website or social media, please contact the team via email at contact@thehypetrain.co.uk. All aboard.
Hype Train FC Event Details:
Date: Sunday 1st October 2023
Competition: RDSL Industrial Cup (Round 1)
Opposition: AFC Reading
Location: Berks County Sports Club, Sonning Lane, Reading, RG4 6ST
Final Score: AFC Reading 0-13 Hype Train FC
Request Photos: contact@thehypetrain.co.uk
Match Details:
Our encounter in the Reading & District Sunday League was our 12th competitive outing of the 2023/24 season, with the team travelling to AFC Reading in the first round of the RDSL Industrial Cup. The train recorded a record 13-0 win, with goals from Ciaran Carolan (4), Padraig Gorman (3), Jordi Ebanda (3), Jon Watkins, Leo Pereira, and Eme Boateng, all scoring.
How to access our Photography:
The club has an external and dedicated photography website that you can find all of our images since our formation in 2019. You can click on the image below to take you to the site, or follow the links below.
Visit our Photography website: Click Here!
View the Gallery: Click Here!
Want to know more about The Hype Train?
The Hype Train is an entertainment website founded in 2015, specialising in general football and Fantasy sports reporting, starting with Fantasy Premier League (FPL), before expanding to MLS Fantasy coverage in 2018.
We pride ourselves in providing beautiful graphics, statistics, in-depth analytical reporting and free weekly insight for hopeful players attempting to climb rankings tables. We are also occasional media reviewers, with a keen interest to review games, live sport, and professional wrestling.
In 2019, Hype Train Football Club was formed, becoming the first Fantasy Football website to take to the field. HTFC is a socially active team across social and web channels, providing regular match highlights, match reports, comprehensive player statistics and unique player profiles. We won both Goal of the Season Awards in the Berkshire and County FA regions, with Callum Parr-Jones winning the Berks & Bucks FA award, whilst Martin King won the PlaySport UK award.
In 2021, we formed the Reading Sunday Social League (RSSL), a competitive Sunday League involving 8 teams in its debut season. During the 2021/22 season, we won our first-ever trophy, lifting the East Berkshire Football League's Presidents Cup!
The Hype Train were nominated and shortlisted for the 'Best Football Blog' in 2016 by the Football Bloggers Association at their annual Football Blogging Awards (The FBA's), and were again shortlisted as a finalist in 2019 in the 'Best Fantasy Football Blog' category.
You can follow us on Twitter, Like us on Facebook, follow Hype Train FC on Instagram, subscribe to our YouTube channel for exclusive content, visit our club's dedicate website, or visit our website here at www.thehypetrain.co.uk
Believe The Hype!